Body Sculpting

A black and white image of the xsus logo.

FlexSure ®

The Ultimate Body Boost

Introducing FlexSure™. The body boost treatment that helps you achieve a more youthful appearance. Designed to curve and conform to your body, it specifically targets even the hardest-to-treat areas.

FlexSure uses deep tissue Flex-heating technology, along with the world’s first flexible form-fitting applicator, to effortlessly contour to areas once considered difficult to treat. Each 15-minute treatment delivers a light warming sensation that’s both gentle and soothing. Comfortable and convenient, this relaxing treatment requires zero downtime.

A woman in blue sports bra and green shorts.

FlexSure works by targeting loose, sagging skin and delivering radio frequency to gently heat your skin. As your skin’s temperature increases, the treatment triggers a natural response for your skin to create new collagen. These new collagen fibers are tight, dense, and neatly organized, giving you tighter skin in many areas of the body!

During treatment, you’ll experience a gentle, pain-free warming sensation around the targeted areas. Many of our patients say it feels like a hot stone massage. This treatment is quick and has no downtime, which makes this a great lunchtime option! After the treatment, there is usually only a slight redness in the treated area. This redness will generally disappear soon after. You’ll be able to return to your daily activities immediately following treatment.

No! You’ll be able to return to your daily activities immediately following treatment.

A series of treatments is always recommended, but every patient is different. The optimal number of treatments can vary; however, during your consultation, our FlexSure specialist will be able to create a treatment plan just for you.

We're Here To Help

Asked Questions

Our specialist will be able to create a treatment plan just for you.

FlexSure Examples

Before & After

The flexible applicator curves and conforms to multiple body parts
including abdomen, flanks, back, arms, buttocks, thighs and knees.

In Your Wellness Journey,
We Journey Together!

In Your Wellness Journey,
We Journey Together!

In Your Wellness Journey, We Journey Together!

Call us today to request an appointment or speak to our friendly, discreet, and professionally trained staff.

Call us today to request an appointment or speak to
our friendly, discreet, and professionally trained staff.