We Journey Together, One Patient At A Time.
Welcome to Proactive Wellness NP. Our passion is to make sure you receive trusted services, compassionate care, and cutting-edge wellness procedures.
Body Sculpting
Skin Treatments
TempSure Envi delivers a radio frequency technology to gently heat your skin. Increasing the skin’s temperature for a defined, therapeutic time will trigger a natural response for your skin to create new collagen. Book your TempSure Envi consultation today
Weight Loss
Weight Loss
Recovery & Wellness
Recovery & Wellness
Kondi Walters-Smith, CRNP
Welcome To Proactive Care and Wellness
Welcome To Proactive
Wellness NP
In Your Wellness Journey,
We Journey Together!
In Your Wellness Journey,
We Journey Together!
In Your Wellness Journey, We Journey Together!
Call us today to request an appointment or speak to our friendly, discreet, and professionally trained staff.
our friendly, discreet, and professionally trained staff.
We Find The Right Solution
We Find The
Right Solution
Our team of professionals offers high-quality Beauty & Health Services with a focus on customer care and commitment. Our goal is to find the right solution that makes our amazing clients feel better about themselves, each and every day.